Thursday, January 5, 2017


in a small town during the 90's
fm radio hummed stale moans
of arena rock

for most folks
that was just fine

Classic Rock
the soundtrack of their youth

but the beat of Ringo
Keith Moon
Charlie Watts
was not one i could march to

i didn't want to march
at all

i wanted to run
but there was nowhere to
run to

my peers
enamored with the grunge movement 
found that was their answer to the boring shit
our parents listened to
but for me
it wasn't enough

was as sleepy as Simon and Garfunkel

Smells Like Teen Spirit 
was no more resonant with me
than Rock and Roll All Nite

i was suffocating

choking on prime time television 
Jesus Christ worship
and video games

i was out of place
and angry
and that anger was my reason to breathe 

Chad Lennon
the older kid
on the other side of our fence
saw this in me
so he started lending me tapes

he started slow
knowing that Slayer
was the most extreme band
i had any knowledge of at that time

"that's a good start,"
he said

soon enough
i was staring at a picture of Glenn Benton
with an inverted cross branded into his face
on the inside sleeve of a Deicide cassette

it shocked me
but not as much as it intrigued me

Death Metal
Black Metal 
Extreme Metal
i didn't give a fuck what you called it
it all hit me like nothing else could at that time

blast beats and monster vocals
were like messages in a bottle
that no Police song could fit into

skull art and Satanic lyricism 
was my assurance that others
like me
were out there

and unafraid

long-hairs dressed in black t-shirts
vehemently proud about being unusual
with a reverence for impiety

the more unholy the music was
the more sacred it was

i'm not as Metal
as i used to be

i kinda like Simon and Garfunkel
and my back hurts way too much
to ever set another foot in the mosh pit

there is always a twisted
black corner in my heart
reserved for the soundtrack of

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